
idoc Link Checking

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Matt Walker

· 2 min read

As most of my friends will know, I’ve been working on a new markup language for use in the website for Independent Learning in Science (ILS) called idoc. I describe here one of the important unique features of the language: link checking. But first, I need to talk about the three types of links in idoc.

Internal links are links to objects within the same document. There are no special restrictions on these. You can create IDs to links to by using the syntax


after the object you wish to link to. You can then refer to that object by using the syntax

<<#locationName>>{display text}

Back Links are where things get a little more interesting. In ILS-flavoured idoc, you are not allowed to link anywhere outside of a document by default. Instead, you must declare at the top of a document where you wish to be allowed to link to in a prerequisite block called prerex.


Assuming the above block appears at the top of your document, you can then link to an object in the other article by using the syntax:


If you do not declare the article in a prerex block, the document will be rejected by idoc with an error message specifying which link was not allowed. The reason you might want to do something like this is to ensure that you are not referencing information the reader does not yet know. More on this in another blog post. The point is that by defining and instance of checkLinks on your document type, you can enforce arbitrary constraints of links on your documents.

These are similar to back links, except they refer to websites outside your document graph. The protocol must be specified within a link:


is good, while


is bad.

These can be restricted in the same way as back links. The way ILS-flavoured idoc leverages this is by disallowing out links anywhere in a document except in certain blocks, where any link is allowed.

A paragraph containing a link: <<>>.  This would be rejected.

I can put any link I want in here, though: <<>>.

By restricting where out links can occur, we ensure the author only references material inside the document graph (and then only to declared prerex), except when absolutely necessary.


That’s all I wanted to say about links in idoc for now. In short, restricting where links can point can ensure your document graph has a special structure that you can take advantage of later. Thanks for reading!

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About Matt Walker

Matt Walker is a software engineer with a love for all things Functional, DevOps, and Typed, currently residing in Toronto, Canada.